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Hope and redemption in "The Shawshank Redemption"

"The Shawshank Redemption" has a non-secular touch at some point in the movie as Warden Norton believes to have confidence in two things-“discipline and the Bible”. When the Warden first addresses Andy he cites from the Bible "Salvation lies within" which isn't said again in the movie until the scene where Andy escapes and the Warden reveals it from inside the inward cover of the Bible which Andy used to hide the rock hammer he used by making a hollow cavity between the pages. The Shawshank Redemption is a parallel among the biblical lessons and a movie. The story makes use of an individual’s journey of existence to portray problems based on the principles - hope and redemption. Hope Andy struggle inside the cage that is the prison until he eventually breaks free leaving his friend Red behind, who's later paroled. One day Red decides to walk away from his job in search of a field.  Andy had once told Red about a hidden box beneath a volcanic rock